2nd Annual Meeting of the Commission on Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks Antiatlas, Morocco
23 - 27 March 2015.
Of Hassan II - Faculty Of Sciences Ben m'Sik in Casablanca, Morocco
Organizers :
_ Comisión de Petrología, Geoquímica y Geocronología de Rocas Ígneas y
Metamórficas CPGG-RIM, Sociedad Geologica de España.
_ Laboratory for
Applied Geology, Geomatics and Environment (LGAGE) , University Of Hassan II -
Faculty Of Sciences Ben m'Sik in Casablanca, Morocco
The organizing committee is very pleased to invite you to the «Annual Meeting
of the Commission on Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of Igneous and
Metamorphic Rocks» of the Spanish Geological Society to be held in Morocco on
23 - 27 March 2015. The meeting will be five days long, starting at the faculty
of Sciences Ben Msik Casablanca on 23 March, will continue on Ouarzazate
through Marrakech (one night). During the field-trips planed on 25 and 26 March
two locations of the Anti-Atlas belt will be visited. The meeting topics are
Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology. Conferences will be addressed by
internationally renowned researchers from Spain, Portugal and Morocco. Keynote
talks will be given in the mornings and early afternoons. Late afternoons are
dedicated to young MSc and PhD students and post-doctoral fellows
(presentations and debates on their research).
Registration fee:
The registration fee for the Meeting is 340 € (incl. VAT). However, we are
negotiating a 50 % reduction which will be supported by the University Hassan
II, Casablanca, and other sponsors. So, hopefully the registration fee will be
170 €. Registration fees include the field trips, icebreaker party, lunches,
coffee/light refreshments and accommodation in double rooms during the Meeting.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, details of which will be announced in
January 2015. Please register sending an email to agcasco@ugr.es and
fhaissen@gmail.com. Details are provided in our website: http://www.ugr.es/~malmolaroko/actividades/2015Antiatlas/antiatlas2015.htm. Places are limited to 60
participants and will be allocated on a first-come first-serve basis.
Accompanying persons The accompanying person registration fees are 170 €.
_ Pr. Faouziya Haissen,Laboratory for Applied Geology, Geomatics and
Environment (LGAGE) , University Of Hassan II - Faculty Of Sciences Ben m'Sik
in Casablanca, Morocco, Cell: 0661253824,(fhaissen@gmail.com).
_ Antonio García Casco,
Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Important dates
_20th January 2015: Second circular, activation of accommodation booking
_10th February 2015: Final registration, deadline for payment of registration