jeudi 27 mars 2014

3rd YES Congress 2014: GSA/GSL Student Travel Grants

Dear YES members,

We are pleased to announce that the Geological Society of America and the Geological Society of London are offering travel assistance to African students and early career geoscientists to attend the 3rd and the 25th 2014. Funds will be distributed in two parts. Upon notification of receipt of the award the societies will provide 75% of the funds. The remaining 25% may be collected at the conference. Young Earth Scientists (YES) Congress Colloquium of African Geology (CAG25) to be held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 11-16 August.

Application Criteria: You must
1. be an African undergraduate, graduate student or early career professional geoscientist (no more than 35 years old);

2. be presenting an oral or poster paper and be able to show that your abstract has been submitted and accepted;
3. attach a brief statement (up to 300 words) describing how attending the YES and CAG conferences will benefit your career development.

Important Dates:
10 April 2014 – Abstract submission deadline for 3rd

20 April 2014 – Acceptance decided
30 May 2014 – Application deadline for travel grant
30 June – Notification of travel grant award

Link to application site:

Women in Geoscience Survey