jeudi 26 janvier 2012

Earth Science Week 2012 Theme Announced: Discovering Careers in the Earth Science

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is pleased to announce that the theme of Earth Science Week 2012 will be "Discovering Careers in the Earth Sciences." This year's event will boost awareness about the geosciences and the many exciting career and job opportunities in the field.

Earth Science Week 2012 materials and activities will engage young people and others in learning how geoscientists gather and interpret data about the Earth and other planets. Through careers in geology, geophysics, oceanography, hydrology, paleontology, Earth science education, and many other fields, they enhance our understanding of Earth processes and improve the quality of human life.

"With this year's focus on jobs, Earth Science Week provides a great chance for teachers and guidance counselors to spread the word to students and parents about geoscience careers," says Ann Benbow, AGI's Director of Education and Outreach. "With over 150,000 positions expected to open in the next decade, opportunities for building an exciting and meaningful career in the geosciences have never been better, even in this tough economy," says Christopher M. Keane, head of AGI's Geoscience Workforce Program.

AGI leads Earth Science Week annually in cooperation with its sponsors and the geoscience community as a service to the public. Each year, community groups, educators, and interested citizens organize celebratory events. Earth Science Week offers the public opportunities to discover the Earth sciences and engage in responsible stewardship of the Earth. Earth Science Week is supported by the U.S. Geological Survey, the AAPG Foundation, NASA, the National Park Service, ExxonMobil, and Esri.

Earth Science Week 2012 will be celebrated October 14-20. For more about this week and ways to get involved -- including newsletters, local events, and classroom activities -- please see the Earth Science Week web site at

Women in Geoscience Survey